How We Survive Working Side-By-Side Everyday

May 2020

Covid-19 made working from home, side by side with your significant other, a new reality for most homes. 

Well here in Perryville we've been doing that almost exclusively since Sept 2015. We even ran a complete business primarily from home together and managed to stay married along the way. So yeah we are established vets at this…You guys have fun figuring it all out! 

Oh wait…I forgot to mention that we struggled (still struggle? will struggle forever? ) with just a few teeny weeny itty bitty things when it comes to working side by side:

- We don’t always maintain a good separation of work and non-work... Legitimately any conversation could turn into a work related discussion/story. 

- Our schedule is pretty “fluid” on any given day (which Dwayne and his ADHD struggle with tremendously).

- Even though we work side by side all day, we don’t engage all that frequently… The key word in that phrase is WORK after all. And we’re both working, we’re both successful and we’re both driven… So it kinda makes sense right? 

- Second side of that coin: There are the occasions where we get TOO engaged with each other and lose sight of whatever we had going on that day 

- Dwayne struggled for a long time with having his work conversations (phone, video, etc) at the same time that Kary did. (Dwayne’s note: And still does..)

- Kary likes to keep her workspace, organized, neat and tidy… And Dwayne subscribes to the “organized chaos” school of thought…Needless to say this one is still an issue 🙂 

So yeah even after doing it for several years, we still have things we wish we did better. With that said, we wouldn’t change a SINGLE thing about our work situation. 

The fact that we get to physically see each other whenever we want to is honestly amazing. We do our best to eat breakfast together most days (lunch is hit or miss with work schedules/client meetings), but still it’s at least one extra meal with our best friend. Also, most days, we try to take “family walks” with our dog Jake as well. So even though we may not “engage” every second of every work day, we are able to spend a lot more time together than an alternate lifestyle where we had to go in the office each day and work the full day apart. 

Not to mention we have a super kush office that we renovated with a faux brick wall, and a custom built desk that just makes all the time that we spend in the office that much more enjoyable. 

How’s working from home with your significant other going? You guys in bliss? If so, leave some tips for what’s working for you! Even if you’re more so in need of a completely separate hidden room where no one can find you for at least 30 minutes. This is a safe space, you can tell us all about it. And yes we’ve never googled “Luxury Panic Rooms” either. 😛 

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